Спенс. Литература.

книга   Сочинения:
   Visual acuity and its relation to brightess in chimpanzce and men, ”J. comp. Psychol.“, 1934, N 18, p. 333–361;
   Theoretical interpretations of learning, in: Handbook of General Experimental Psychology, N.Y., 1951, p. 690–729, в рус. пер.: Теоретический анализ процесса научения, в кн.: Экспериментальная психология, М., 1963, т.2, с. 224–273;
   Mathematical formulations of learning phenomena, ”Psychol. Rev.“, 1952, vol. 59;
   Behavior Theory and Conditions, New Haven, 1956;
   A theory of emotionally based drive and its relation to performance in simple learning situations, ”American Psychologist“, 1958, 13;
   Behavior Theory and Learning, N.Y., 1960.
   Литература о нем:
   Kendler H.H. Kenneth W. Spence, ”Psychol. Rev.“, 1967, 74, p. 335–341.



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